Extension Kits for Genie Garage Door Openers

Extension Kits for Genie Garage Door Openers

Published on: September 28, 2021   

Depending on your garage door height, you may need an extension kit for your Genie garage door opener.  The height of the garage door opening is the distance from the floor to the top of the garage door opening. 


Genie DIY/Retail Store Garage Door Openers

For 7-Foot-Tall Garage Doors:

Genie garage door openers sold in retail stores and for DIY installation are made to be used on garage doors that are 7’ in height. The standard height for residential garage doors is 7 feet. 

For 8-Foot-Tall Garage Doors:

Garage doors that measure 8’ tall will need an extension kit.  The extension kit will allow the 7’ high garage door opener to accommodate an 8’ high garage door. Below are the 5 options for 8' extension kits depending on what model of Genie garage door opener you have.

Model #: EKCC

Part #: 37301R

Used with: Genie 3-piece, chain drive C-Channel rails

Compatible with models:  3022, 4022, ChainMax 1000, ChainMax 1200 

Installation Instructions


Model #: EKSC

Part #: 37303R

Used with: Genie 3-piece, screw drive C-Channel rails

Compatible with models: 2562, 3062, 4062, 4063, PowerLift 900, PowerMax 1200, PowerMax 1500, Excelerator, MachForce, MachForce Connect 

Installation Instructions

Model #: EKBC

Part #: 37302R

Used with: Genie 3-piece, belt drive C-Channel rails

Compatible with models: 3042, 4042, SilentMax 1000, SilentMax 1200

Installation Instructions


Model #: EKTB and EKTR

Part #: 39026R

Used with: Genie 5-piece, belt drive tube rails

Compatible with models: StealthLift 500, SilentMax Connect, SilentMax 750, StealthDrive 750, SilentMax LED Connect, 2055, 3053, 3055, 7055, 7155

Installation Instructions

Model #: EKTC

Part #: 39027R

Used with: Genie 5-piece, chain drive tube rails

Compatible with models: 2033, 2035, 2036, 3035, 7035 

Installation Instructions

Genie Professionally Installed Garage Door Openers

Genie garage door openers purchased from your local professional dealer vary and can accommodate garage doors from 7’ in height up to 14’ in height for some models.  You can locate a Genie dealer here. 

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@Robert Remington – Our extension kits are designed for 8-foot high garage doors. For a 9-foot high door, we recommend using a wall-mount style garage door opener or contacting a local Genie Professional dealer to find a model with a one-piece rail that fits your door size. https://www.geniecompany.com/dealer-locator

Heather Rothacher

i have a 9’ high light weight garage door. do you have a rail extension kit and longer j-arm set up that will make my model 2035-TKO work on a 9’ high door

Robert Remington

@ Rusell Gardner – No, extension kits will only work on up to an 8-foot high door.

Heather Rothacher

Is there an extension kit for a model 2055 that fits a 9 ft door

Russell Gardner

@Joe C – With a 7 1/2 foot high door you may end up with a few inches that will not completely open that could hang in the door way.

Heather Rothacher

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