With the help of ID.me we now offer Genie products at a discount as a thank you to our US Military, Veterans, First Responders, and Healthcare Workers. If you are an ID.me member use the option in our checkout to activate your discount. If you are eligible but not yet a member click below to get verified.

(*Includes all Genie Brand items on this website, the discount applies to the entire order. Discount offer excludes Bench Sentry and Wyze products.) 

Deals for you

10 products

Genie is proud to partner with ID.me to offer special exclusive discounts as a thank you, for those going the extra mile in their jobs.

How does it work?

ID.me uses one time verification technology to verify your credentials. They maintain this information for you, so your checkouts at Genie or any other online marketplaces that offer discounts with ID.me can happen swiftly. 

Who qualifies? Genie is offering the following discounts: 

Military Discount

• Active Duty• National Guard• Reserves• Veterans• Retirees• Military Spouses

First Responders Discount

•Police Officer• Sherriff• State Trooper• Corrections Officer• Federal Officer• Career Firefighter• Volunteer Firefighter• EMT• Paramedic• 911 Dispatcher

Health Care Workers Discount

• Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNP)• Registered Nurses (RN)• Licensed Practical Nurses (PN/LPN)• Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN)